Here you will learn some of the very basic CrossFit movements, participate in a “baseline” workout, and tour the gym. This is by no means a “no-sweat” introduction, our goal is to teach you the basics, get you moving (in a safe and controlled manner), and show you how we can help you on your fitness journey. We will not push you beyond your skill and fitness level but we will introduce you to CrossFit methodology and show you what you can expect. Schedule your Free Intro TODAY!


Ready to take the plunge and try out CrossFit for the first time? Sign up for our Onboarding Month Membership.


You’ll be participating in 6 small onboarding (coach led) group classes focusing on core CrossFit movements. We’ll teach you the basics, emphasize proper technique, and get you an awesome workout too. These 6 classes will span the first two weeks of membership then after successful completion you will have the rest of the month to try out full CrossFit classes. After your onboarding month is complete, you have the option to select one of our membership options.


In each session, a coach will teach and demonstrate the foundational movements we use in CrossFit, as well as review your range of motion and various scales to get you moving safely. Following the instruction portion of the class, you will participate in a CrossFit-style workout. You'll get a great work out and have fun!

After completing the intro sessions, you will graduate to our regular CrossFit classes and get the full CrossFit experience.